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Based in London, Lewis is a passionate and creative individual who has devoted himself to the fields of lighting design and technology. With a focus on innovation and design, he enjoys designing custom lighting schemes and creating bespoke lighting systems and fixtures to meet both the practical and artistic needs of any project.

In July 2019, Lewis graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with a First Class Honours Degree in Technical Theatre Arts. After graduating, he began his career as a Lighting Technician at the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company. During his time with the RSC, Lewis helped create many of the bespoke lighting effects that have been seen on stage throughout their productions.  

Since then, Lewis has worked as a freelance lighting designer and technical consultant, for many theatrical and arts events throughout the UK. He has gained a reputation for his elegant and practical designs, expanding his skills in the fast-paced world of the live arts.

In addition to his work in live events, Lewis has pursued his interest in lighting technology, developing several products for the theatrical and events industry. He regularly collaborates with colleagues from across the industry, participating in international lighting industry discussions and schemes to develop the future of lighting design.

Now working predominantly as a lighting designer for Beam Lighting Design where he works with many of the London based museums, galleries and exhibition spaces on their overall lighting design. His work has taken him to some of the most prestigious sites across London, having worked with the V&A, British Museum, Kensington Palace, The Design Museum, 180 Strand, Somerset House & The Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

Lewis brings a diligent, creative, and detailed approach to every job, ensuring that his work is carried out to the highest possible standard. He has an intimate fascination with all things lighting, theatre, and technology related and finds great pleasure in the attention to detail.

Lewis proudly identifies as queer and neurodivergent.

Affiliate Member of the Association of Lighting Designers & Scholar of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Let’s Work Together